Transport to Blackland Farm Outdoor Centre will be arranged by the school, usually by coach or minibus. Transport between activities is provided by Blackland Farm Outdoor Centre, in 8 seat vehicles with 3 point seat belts and head restraints.

Parents Information
An overview of the services you offer and how they will benefit the visitor.
Blackland Farm Outdoor Centre is governed by strict assessment from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Our safe systems of training and recruitment are inspected annually. We hold an Adventure Activity Licence Authority (AALA) Licence and a Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) Quality Badge which confirm that our operating procedures, risk assessments, policy, £10m public liability insurance, recruitment process, staff qualifications and Enhanced DBS checks are completed to the highest of standards.
The AALA Licence and LOtC Quality Badge are recognised by Educational Visits Coordinators (EVCs), Local Authorities and systems such as EVOLVE, which are online planning, approval and management portals of educational visits, sports fixtures and extra-curricular activities.
Who is Blackland Farm Outdoor Centre
Blackland Farm Outdoor Centre is the trading name of 4th Dimension Ltd, a long standing, trusted operator at Blackland Farm for the last 35 years.
Instructor Qualifications
All Blackland Farm staff are trained to a high level. Every year their qualifications are checked and inspected by AALA, the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority and every 3 years by a LOTC inspector. All staff hold a current first aid award, an enhanced DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) check and a Basic Food Hygiene award.
What is your Insurance cover?
We hold a 10million Public Liability cover. This applies to all the activities we run both on and off our site/s. You are not covered for loss or damaged property, or illness/accidental injury. Schools/parents should take out their own cover for personal accident, injury, curtailment etc.
In accordance with “The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992″ all passengers booking with Blackland Farm are fully protected for the initial deposit and subsequently the balance of all monies paid to us, including repatriation if required, arising from cancellation or curtailment of your travel arrangements due to the insolvency of Blackland Farm.
There is no requirement for Financial Protection of day trips, and none is provided. This insurance is only valid for packages booked that DO NOT include flights.
Consumer aware: Your booking is insured by IPP Ltd and its panel of insurers. – This insurance is only valid for passengers who book and pay directly with/to Blackland Farm. This Insurance has been arranged by International Passenger Protection Limited and underwritten by Insurers who are members of the Association of British Insurers & Lloyds Syndicates.
Does my child need any previous experience?
Absolutely not! Our instructors deal with all levels of ability day in, day out. They are highly experienced and trained, so you can rest assured that they will pass that confidence on.
What happens if my child does not wish to do an activity?
We do not coerce, we encourage. We try to get people to have a go before they decide not to participate. If there are medical reasons why a child cannot participate in an activity we will find a suitable alternative: this may mean repeating another activity. Children who are afraid of water can be assigned an alternative activity from the programme.
Will my child need to be confident swimmer?
Non swimmers who are water confident can go kayaking, canoeing, katakanuing as they will be wearing a properly fitted buoyancy aid.
What does my Child need to bring?
We provide all of the necessary safety equipment, helmets, harnesses etc. Your school will provide you with a kit list but it is particularly important that your child has warm and waterproof clothing plus appropriate footwear.
Do they need to bring any money?
There is a small tuck shop on site so a small amount of money could be appropriate. We cannot be responsible for any money that your child may bring.
What are the catering arrangements?
The children will need a packed lunch for the first day of a residential or for a day course. We can provide this by arrangement. All other food is supplied and cooked daily on site: breakfasts and lunches by our staff and evening meals by our specialist caterer who holds a Food Hygiene Rating of 5*. We eat in our marquees on camping/glamping courses. All Blackland Farm Staff responsible for catering hold a Level 2 catering basic food hygiene award. In addition our specialist caterer holds Public Liability insurance.
Can you cater for special diets?
Yes, if your child has a special diet because of a medical condition or for religious reasons, we can inform our caterer. If you would like to provide a particular food we can store this for you. You will need to fill in the section at the bottom of the medical form and the school will pass this information on.
Can my child bring a mobile phone?
Mobile phones are not permitted on our courses for children. It is usual that group leaders will inform the school of their safe arrival at 4th Dimension so that parents can be informed. Past experience also shows that it can be hard for a child to settle if they are constant contact with home. Your school will provide you with contact details while your child is away, in addition to having your contact details.